Sunday, July 26, 2009

false arrest in the 50s in chelsea

about the photos
the one arm bandit..
someone had given me this thing out of their basement apt in the I set it up in my loft in Chelsea (then the rent was only $125 a month for a double the hallway..and it was not legal then to live there, but everyone did)I set it up in my makeshift photography studio, I had background paper up and so on...during that time I let Jay Milder use my loft for an after opening party of his show...when I got back the place was filled with people, filled. I had one record on a tiny record player, lp, of Chubby Checker and every one was dancing to it...Red Grooms, John Chamberlain and who knows who else, they brought their own beer. They thought I was an eccentric millionaire who hated furniture. I mean the place was bare, with only one bed in the corner, a futon on the floor. Robert Frank came and so did this man who was like a patron of the arts and from wall street...can't remember his name right now...
in any case, one day I was blasting some music on my JBL speaker someone had given me of Bach...and I went upstairs to visit a neighbor, the painter Zax? when I came down two plainclothemen were in my apt and checking out the slot machine. Hey this works real good they you any shoes to wear you are coming with us to the station downtown. yes, I was arrested that night, labor day weekend, for breaking gambling laws. Imagine this. Also, no Miranda rule then. They took me downtown, I was fingerprinted, interrogated , "what is it you do?" "I am a photographer" Oh another fucking photographer hey?" so the booked me breaking article 80, gambling. I made it to night court, after spending some hours in a cell. There were two guys across the way in another cells and I asked them what they did and they said they kept books...I said I had one arm bandits. In any case the judge heard my pleas for mercy and he said I could go home but needed to get back for a trial. About a month later I went to court. When my case came the judge yelled "Give him a lawyer!" I did not have one. Of course I bought photos of the slot machine (see photo) and the judge looked at all this and said he had a dental appt for an aching toothache and said "I will give him the benefit of the doubt let him go, dismiss the case". I asked if I could have my machine back and the judge said, as he got to go to the dentist "Tell your client not to press his luck." A reporter from the New York Post or Daily News was there and wrote up a story called "Photog takes wrong picture." I was never able to find it. If you find it let me know...

1 comment:

Phil James said...

Great story!