Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Now and Then

this is in fact my new format for the book, a book, in progress, once more. Times passes, the new year begun, the new decade, just amazing to be here, alive, in 2010.
I get those family letters from some people each year around Christmas and each time they read like self parodies. One in particular tells me how this couple went all over Maine, by foot, bike, even swam across the state for thousands of miles, returning home exhilarated. They tell me how their daughter is still working on her PHd and probably making the rounds of boys from one end to the other, a marathon also of sorts. Do I need to know all this? oh and yes, at the end of the letter I am informed that the author will attend a workshop on family intervention. Now is that a clue that this family needs an intervention. That is to walk inside, rather, than outside, and see what is going on, really going on with everyone, from the inside out? Or perhaps it does not matter? can one live forever and never know what is inside. Isn't true that a life unexamined is not worth living?

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