Sunday, August 9, 2009

julia and me

just saw this marvelous film Julie and Julia, mesmerizing to watch, life of Julia Child and her ascent to publishing her classic book...totally totally mesmerizing and Merryl Streep is fantastic...
apparently book was created on a blog, this one, blogspot...not sure how true this is, need to find out...

Monday, August 3, 2009


so I go back to Wal-Mart with Cath and got her to buy the same printer...but they had a canon with all the stuff, 2 cartridges, total for $30, I got that one, a black model...and gave my printer to Cath for $30, WITH the wires and extra cartridge...and now she finally broke down and has a printer she likes, small and simple.
Is that weird or what? the Canon had all the wires and cartridges for $30...
now I am thinking of getting a better camera...sick and tired of those small ones, where you can't see what you are doing and I want manual focus control...and I think even the Nikon D40 has it.
I think it is available for $ I got to Target and they priced at, get this, $695!! so I tell the guy that is a mistake for sure...and he checks on the computer and he says, No, that is the price...fucked up.
Best Buy wants $495....
so it goes...
I want a normal camera with a viewfinder, manual focus etc...and big enough so I can see the controls, not the small ones that are designed for Mickey Mouse with tiny paws...

The Samsung I have is nice, a jewel actually, but a jewel is something you wear no take pictures with...the results are great, but it is touch and go, literally.
I mean I used to do photos professionally and used Nikons all over the place, still have them, loaded with film.
Of course Nikon has gone psychotic with models up to $8000. Only guys working for the New York Times can afford to get one, it is free from the company to use. And to say nothing about lenses, which cost a mint as well.

----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Rotmil
To: charles rotmil
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: pirnter

Cheaper on ink but you won't get as good a print. You should look into ripping the guts out and making your own Piezzo printer for photographs. Plenty of info online.

On Aug 1, 2009, at 9:06 PM, "charles rotmil" wrote:
hi adam
irony of shopping
I ran out of ink for my epson printer...7 cartdriges!!!!
so what do I do go to Staples...$78 for the color ones and $27 for black....shit!!!!more than I paid for the damn thing $75....

so I went to Walmart and bought a HP printer, a small one with two cartridges for $32!!!!

is this something or what?
I gave the printer to the cleaning guy in the building, he was thrilled.

and now as soon as I wrote this Nikon comes out with the D3000 for lest than $700 at some stores...what to do? it does not have what? but no live screen....


for me to look up at the firmament at night in a dark place, like an airport landing (I did this on Islesboro) enough for see all those small dots there, suns all of them, and it is just our galaxy and the milky is just dust of enough for look close at Mars means nothing to me...nothing. it is a bare planet with no life that I can see...I can hardly see life on this planet of apes.
someone once said "I am not sure if we evolved from monkeys but I am sure that we are going back to that stage."

I made a film using a small $600 camera (now worth shit) a full documentary...I know the pros use $50,000 cameras...but do they know how to shoot a good film? same with still cameras..I have taken great shots with simple cameras...because in the end it is the eye that counts.

so, mon ami, my could be drinking companion, be well and enjoy the hot summer coming up. You asked for it, you got it.

From: Jack Hayes

Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 10:40 AM

They say that once you retire your brain turns to mush. That may account for that squishy sound I keep hearing between my ears.

To those of you who have already panicked and flung your family members and pets from the rooftops rather than have them fall into the clutches of the invading Martians, WHOOOPS !

Despite all the screeching and preaching that we should always try to check these things out on SNOPES, I got so excited about the chance to see Mars up close that I did NOT check until a friend told me I was just a little behind the times. The Mars information WAS correct .... back in 2003 ! Sorry, We don't get any celestial instant replays !

On the other hand, if you ran out and bought expensive research quality telescopes with the huge economic stimulus checks, GOOD ! That will boost the economy. Enjoy looking at the sky or spying on your neighbors

Now that I have totally ruined your sky-viewing plans for the rest of the summer, are any of you interested in knowing my WEATHER predictions ???

By the way .... anyone wanna buy a brand new expensive research quality telescope that's still in the box (probably just about getting ready for shipment)? Only $27,966.82 or best offer.

I can hardly wait to get all of the constructive comments for not checking the dates on the Mars encounter. NOW you understand why I wasn't accepted into the Astronaut program.
